Apr 1, 2011

Illustration for Newport Arts Festival (maybe)

Nature's Community  mixed-media  17" x 11"

I was running around like a crazy person yesterday - trying to finish an illustration to submit for the poster contest for the Newport Arts Festival, and then run it down to Middletown RI. In traffic. And the snow! It was a long day, and I thought twice about it, but it was worth a try, right?

painting on the artboard...needs some love...

Besides that, it was an opportunity to make an illustration based on my current art style, something that's always good for the portfolio. The theme was "creating community", though they are open to interpretations of that theme. I must be yearning for spring, because I immediately pictured a warm, sunny nature scene with the birds and flowers - communing with nature as it were.

The tree now has some pastel and a glow from the gouache

The painting is mostly watercolor, with some gouache and pastel. Here it is when I was nearly done, but I thought it lacked the "glow" I like in my recent poppy paintings. So I went around the main elements and added the white halo. I like the way it punches up the color, and also the feeling that all the living things there have an aura about them.

detail - black capped chickadee 

Here are a few detail shots of the birds I liked the most - based on the ones that have been visiting my feeder outside my studio window.

detail - Blue jay

And of course I had to include a blue butterfly! Coming in for a taste of the buttercups.

detail - buttercups and butterfly

It will be a month before I hear back as to which painting is chosen for the poster. But overall, I'm happy I was inspired to make another piece. Plus the sunny day pictured here is a respite from the new snowfall I'm seeing outside right now!

My totally unofficial mock-up of what the poster could look like -
I left room for some text, just in case


Mother Nature just has a sense of humor

Just a little comic venting today. I am so tired of snow. I bet my new crocuses are too. Fingers crossed for warm weather!
