Jan 21, 2011

Fun-a-Day paintings from this week

In the midst of some other projects this past week, I've managed to get my Fun-a-Day paintings done, but not gotten them up on the blog. So here's a catch-up on what I've made for the last week.

Just a few smaller sized numbers for these three days - nothing too crazy.

For day eighteen I had another large painting to do. In this case, the number does not have a special meaning for me, but had to be a larger format to fit within the grid design. So I just freehanded the number and let it guide me. Drawing the infinity shape for the eight made me think about recurrence, and life. So I added in the eighteen leaves.

Days nineteen through today, back to the small format numbers. Simple designs with some fun markings.

Here are the numbers so far, arranged as they will be for the grid. The overall pattern in coming together. As I've been working through the project, I've been trying to alternate the colors and styles so that there's no exact repetition in adjacent blocks. Overall, the colors are staying bright and punchy. When I cover them with encaustic medium in the final piece, the colors should darken a bit but be a little more saturated.


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